Loving that low-country boil...

A monarch butterfly drops by to taste the geraniums

What is that brown thing between the wipers on the motorhome. Is it something the wind blew in?

You have to get a little close to see it..... scroll down...

Here's what the wind blew in.

IT'S A BAT!!!! Hanging upside down from the rubber beneath the windshield. We have never seen one here before.

Isn't she cute sleeping in the middle of the afternoon with her nose under her wing? It was way too bright for her. When it also got too hot, she was suddenly gone. Bats eat more than their body weight in insects so she can come back for a visit anytime.

1 comment:

K Herman said...

Dear Phillis and Lamont;
As first time visitors to the Test Kitchen, I wish to thank you both, You are true hosts! Elinor and I enjoyed a delicious feast.
Sincerely, Your friend Karen