And even more brown trees the farther north we travelled. The pine beetle had destroyed entire forests. Some were mere shadows of their former selves. Many evergreens had turned black and lost their
Chetwynd, British Columbia is known for its chainsaw carvings.
We stopped at the Chetwynd Home Hardware Building Centre. Karly from Peace FM
dropped by and interviewed us in the motorhome.
In Hudson's Hope we took an underground tour right inside the W.A.C. Bennet dam.
It is an earthfill dam that is 2 kms long.
We saw this curious deer in Fort St. John, British Columbia
In Fort St. John we were treated to a helicopter ride by Home Hardware owners Glen and Lorna Pomeroy and their daughter Naomi and her husband, helicoptor pilot, Bob Batchelor.
Glen, Lorna, Naomi, and her sister Valerie drove us to the airport and waited for our return.
Bob was not available to fly the helicoptor so Gordon Fevang filled in for him.
Bob was not available to fly the helicoptor so Gordon Fevang filled in for him.
We flew into canyons, along rivers and over the Fort St. John Rotary RV Park where the motorhomes looked like tiny toys.
The Canola fields were in bloom and all the yellow was spectacular.
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