Days on the Road - 80
Distance - 15,475 kms
Distance - 15,475 kms
Events to raise money for local charities and raise awareness of housewares at Home Hardware Stores and Home Hardware Building Centres - 30
Money raised for local charities - $22,423.31
Total number of people who came out to listen to us, laugh with us, and learn from us for two action-packed hours as we demonstrated Home Hardware products - 2,985
Additional Home Hardware and Home Hardware Building Centre drop-in visits - 36
Interviews on television, radio, and in the press - 84
Listening to Willie Nelson sing "On the Road Again -Too many times to count
Cracked windshields - 1
People we met, places we visited, and memories to cherish - The best!
A huge THANK YOU to our sponsors who made all this possible