SOOKE, BRITISH COLUMBIAWe arrived at Sooke Home Hardware two hours before the event and parked th
e motorhome on the grass at the edge of the highway only to discover that the m
otorhome was an inch wider than the space between the street sign and the curb. Usually all we need is an inch to squeeze into a parking space but this time the motorhome was an inch too wide and the street sign had to be removed.
Paula, from housewares, was all ready for us. She wants to create a bragging wall in the store to remind the community of the generosity of the Gertsma family.

Frank Gertsma matched our $50 donation to the Sooke Meals on Wheels Program.
Friends Nancy and Don Miklic from Sooke came to the event.
Mary and
Bill Cunningham from Sooke own every one of our cookbooks.
Lamont's niece, Nancy and her husband, Norm Houle arrived on their motorcycle. We thought about swapping vehicles for a change of pace but they a
lready have a motorhome.